5 Dissertation Planning Steps You Must Focus On

5 Dissertation Planning Steps You Must Focus On

Planning a dissertation is not a one or two days task. It needs proper step-by-step planning to complete the dissertation research and dissertation writing. The whole process of dissertation writing has multiple stages. It includes topic selection, hypothesis formulation, research proposal writing, data collection, research methodology, findings and results, interpretation of results, and dissertation report writing. Though the whole dissertation is of immense importance, there are a few steps or stages of the dissertation which need to be handled with more focus and concentration because all other parts of the dissertation are dependent on these steps. Let’s discuss these 5 important steps one by one as shared by experts of cheap dissertation writing services.

Topic Selection:

Deciding about the topic is a difficult decision. You need to check every aspect of it. When students are unable to choose the right topic that fulfills all requirements of conducting research then they get anxious. This step needs to be done with a relaxed and calm mind. First of all read the instructions regarding the dissertation topic, if any, provided by your supervisor or university. If not, then discuss the general requirements with your supervisor. Based on these general requirements, search for current research trends in your field of study.

Make a list of few topics that you feel interesting and worth researching. While searching for topics you may have read a few pros and limitations of each topic. In front of each topic, you have written down in the list, note down these pros and limitations as well. After preparing a list of if topics based on your interests and research trends, you have to review it for selecting one topic. For selecting one topic, you have to critically analyze each topic for checking whether

  1. It is researchable
  2. Required data and information is available.
  3. Suitable able research methodology is applicable
  4. It has future and research importance

If you have confusion between two or more topics you can discuss it with your supervisor. You can also discuss the topic selection with your friends and classmates. You can visit the library of your university and go through the previous dissertations and check what kind of topics were chose and what were pros and cons in choosing those topics. Consider your advantages: which topic have you found generally intriguing, and is there a component that could be formed into a research project? Is there a connected topic important to you that has not been shrouded in the prospectus, yet would fit with the hypothesis or procedure you have been working with? Is there something in your course so far that you have been incredulous about, or which you think needs further examination?

Research Question:

In the next important step, you have to form a question from your topic for conducting research. This question is called a research question. The topic is converted into a question to make the research more specific. You need to describe your topic as a research problem. You can describe it as a problem that you will investigate, any postulate or argument that you want to prove right or wrong, or limitations of the research. You need to develop a research question at the start of research for keeping your research on the right path. When you will move forward in your research you will have to recheck each step in comparison with your research question for ensuring that you are doing it in the right way.

Research Proposal:

You need to focus more on writing a research proposal because you will use it to convince your supervisor and dissertation committee to approve your dissertation research. The research proposal contains a detailed description of the research that you will conduct.

Research Planning:

You need to very critically plan your research. You have to define every step required for completing research with the proper timeline. It is valuable to work out how long you have until you need to present your finished exposition and draw a graph showing these weeks. Square out the weeks when you realize you will be not able to work, and stamp in other principle responsibilities you have that will require significant investment during this period.

At that point designate research undertakings to the leftover time. It is vital to be practical about what amount of time each errand is probably going to require. Some engaged idea toward the start, at that point at the arranging phase of each stage, could save hours after the fact on. Record the assets required for each stage.

Data Collection:

The research results are dependent on the right collection and effective use of data. Special attention needs to be given when deciding about the sources for gathering data. If the wrong or incomplete data is collected then the research results will be wrong and it will be of no use.